Veterans Day Holiday
Wilbur Town Hall 14 NW Division St, Wilbur, WA, United StatesTown Hall office and Hesseltine Library CLOSED for Veterans Day. Will reopen Friday, November 12, 2021. Call 509-647-5821 for utility emergency.
Town Hall office and Hesseltine Library CLOSED for Veterans Day. Will reopen Friday, November 12, 2021. Call 509-647-5821 for utility emergency.
Town Hall office and Hesseltine Library CLOSED for Thanksgiving Holidays. Will reopen Monday, November 29, 2021. Call 509-647-5821 for utility emergency.
Regular session Council meeting at Town Hall. Public Hearing for a Variance Request will be held at 7:00 with meeting starting after. Attend in person, by phone or online. For more details on the Variance Request see the Public Notices page or stop by Town Hall. It is also at the Post Office. Zoom Link: […]
Regular session Town Council meeting in Town Hall. Attend in person, via Zoom at or by phone 1-844-855-4444, participant code 1130603
Regular session council meeting. See agenda for topics. Attend in person, online or by phone. Zoom Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Wilbur Chamber of Commerce annual Installation Banquet & Wine-tasting. Honoring Persons of the year: Shawna Vinciguerra & Heather Newman and Business of the Year: Farmhouse Kitchen & Coffee. Free hour of wine-tasting starts at 5:30 with dinner following. Presentations and prize drawings after dinner. Tickets are $30 each and available at: LIBKE Insurance, Country Lane […]
Regular session council meeting. Attend in person, online with Zoom or by phone 1-844-855-4444, participant code 1130603. Zoom Meeting:
Town Hall Office closed in observance of Presidents Day. Call 509-647-5821 for utility assistance
Regular session Town Council meeting. Attend in person, online or by phone. *CANCELED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM* Phone:1-844-855-4444, participant code 1130603 Zoom link:
Regular Session Council Meeting. Attend in person, online or by telephone.