♦Public Works Dept. Summer Hours: Mon-Thurs 6am – 4pm♦
On-Call Emergency Service available 24/7 by calling 509-647-5821
The Town of Wilbur reads water meters on or around the 25th of each month. Utility bills are DUE by the 15th; late fee penalties of $10 applied after the 21st. Water shutoffs for nonpayment or past due balances over 60 days incur an additional $25-$75 fee.
- $35 fee for water service requests outside of normal Public Works Dept. hours, whether scheduled or emergency.
- $150 Deposit required on new accounts. Refundable after 12 months of on-time payments.

The complete 2022 water report is available to pick up at Town Hall and will be mailed to all residents with next bills.
The Town of Wilbur furnishes water and sewer service through its Public Works Department. Garbage services are contracted with Sunrise Disposal. Water, sewer and garbage are billed as one and due on the 15th of each month. Payments can be made by cash, check or money order in person at Town Hall, sent through the mail or dropped in the payment box located at the Town Hall main entrance. Online bill pay with a credit card is available by clicking the blue button link; service fees apply.
Bulk Water available upon request.
- Call Town Hall 24 hours in advance to arrange: 509-647-5821.
- Cost is $25 for up to 4,000 gallons on first load of the day.
- Additional loads, per day, $5 per thousand gallons.
WATER RATES EXPLAINED (See Chapter 13.6 of the Wilbur Municipal Code):
- Town of Wilbur water meters measure consumption in cubic feet.
- The basic water rate is $35.18 for up to 1,000 cubic feet (cf) used.
- Water usage from 1,001-50,000 cf is charged $0.50 per 100 cf.
- Water usage from 50,001 cf and higher is charged $0.55 per 100 cf.
- 1000 cubic feet equals 7,481 gallons of water
Fee Schedule
Additional information about Wilbur’s Water and Sewer rates is available upon request from Town Hall. Email deputyclerk@wilburwa.com or call 509-647-5821 or stop by Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 14 NW Division St.
For Garbage Collection inquiries call Town Hall or contact Sunrise Disposal at 509-422-4530. GARBAGE GUIDELINES.
Lincoln County Transfer station information is available online at www.co.lincoln.wa.us/solidwaste or by calling 509-725-0122
BRUSH PILE OPEN: The town Brush Pile is located west of Wilbur off Highway 2. It is available for Wilbur residents to dispose of yard waste like branches, leaves and grass clippings. Usage fee is $5 per load, payable at Town Hall. Only yard debris is allowed, no garbage or construction materials. Stop by Town Hall for a key and directions.
Public Works Department: Foreman: Dustin Taylor. Crew members: Dale Bjorson and Eric Morris.
Please contact Avista online or call 800-227-9187
Landline Telephone
Please contact Century Link at 877-787-3987 or go online
LocalTel – Bob Iverson at 509-707-7777
EmergE with Inland Cellular – 208-298-2700 or online
CenturyLink at 877-787-3987 or go online